You may be well aware that the implementation of the new lease standard is effective next year. However, you may have forgotten or maybe waiting until the third quarter—or later!—to worry about it. The biggest lesson we’ve learned from monitoring the public company implementation is that a successful lease standard transition starts early. Join KatzAbosch representatives, Claudia Wolter and Kristin Bailey, who will discuss the impact of these implementations and how to transition. They will focus on: The reasons and goals behind the changes, identifying what is remaining the same, what is new, and how it impacts your organization, how to account for leases under the new standard, sharing when implementation is required and how to identify issues that may hinder a smooth transition and the various options for a transition method Name*Email* PhoneTitleCompanyIndustryCommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ Obtain Maryland Construction Network’s Accounting Resource Group – Lease Accounting Changes…Are You Prepared